Chapter 27: First Gen Prime Minister

(Yo, BlackMaskedPhantom here! I actually finished this chapter a lot faster than I thought, but there’s a small problem. Well, it’s a big problem. Anyways, there were a lot of things that I didn’t know what they either meant or how it could/should be worded. Please bear with me and pray that the next chapter is a lot easier.

Also, this is a heads up: I probably won’t be updating this weekend. I have to attend a funeral tomorrow of someone very important to my family. Don’t know why, but my culture does a long week of mourning with lots of praying and reminiscence. Will try my best to update sometime next week! Sorry in advance…  

Edit: (4:50am because I don’t sleep?)  Let me thank Kiriko one more time for the amazing help and the confidence boost! Thanks soo much!


*POV: Princess Shane*

When I was confirming the arrangements for the wedding ceremony and the reception, I found a topic that caught my eye.

It was “the ring exchange”.

This was the first time I had ever found a culture that resembled that of my former world.

“Elias, what is this ‘ring exchange’?” I asked, not expecting much [of an answer].**

In the past few days, I opened up to and was quite frank with Elias. This speech was only used when it was just the two of us.

“His Majesty and Princess Shane will put a ring on to the ring finger of each other’s left hand. Since the ring is shaped like a circle, it signifies the meaning of eternal love that cannot be interrupted. The ceremony gives an impression of vowing [promising] the future to one another. It is a tradition unique to this country.” Elias informed with a bit of pride.

Having found a custom that was exactly like the one I knew of, I felt an affinity to this world for the first time ever.

“Is this a tradition from long ago [the olden days]?”

“Yes. I heard that the Prime Minister, during the time when the nation was founded, spread the culture of their former country.”

No way! I thought, and I asked more.

“Do you know the name of the first Prime Minister?”

“I apologize. I can investigate what it is though.” Elias, who seemed really sorry, answered.

“No, it’s probably something that isn’t remembered. If you do remember, I want you to tell me. Also, is there anything else you can remember about the (first) Prime Minister?”

After thinking for a bit, Elias replied, “Certainly, there is a seasoning called “Soy Sauce” which was also named by the first Prime Minister.”

Ah! So that’s why I felt this country’s cuisine was somewhat nostalgic. I was convinced with this.

Besides for me, there was another man who came to this world from Japan. I wonder if the man went back to our previous world.

At the very least, I wanted to know about that now. Thus, with feelings that I was clutching on to straws, I asked Elias, “Did the first Prime Minister serve this country for a long time?” (TL/N: Clutching onto straws – Means he is a bit desperate like holding on to a thin string of hope. Hope that makes sense…)

“The story is very famous in this country. The first generation Prime Minister and His Majesty the Emperor got married. It is said that the two of them devoted their lives to Caspar.”

He informed me that their story was a popular song among minstrels, but with that, I felt the faint hope within me collaspse. (His hopes to return back won’t be happening as Prime Min stayed all his life in this world.)

“When you have the time, could you bring me some documents on the first Prime Minister? I want to learn more about this country even if it’s just a little bit.” I gave an honest reason for the request.

Then I realized something.

“Is the wedding dress possibly white?” (T/N: I had no idea how to word this…)

I was surprised that Elias already had an answer to my question.

“Your measurements will be taken this afternoon, so it’s good that I will be able to give you an explanation of things before that.”
(TL/N: Though Kiriko had it in past tense, it didn’t make sense so I just changed it to future/present tense. He never explained anything yet about the wedding so it wouldn’t make sense if it was in past tense?)

There was 7 days until the wedding ceremony. In other words, from today onwards, all of the seamstresses would have a number of all-nighters ahead of them. 

“White wedding dresses are probably for women. I wonder, would it be bad if I had a different color dress?” 

“It’s not that it is impossible, but Sir Kristoff will be coming in the afternoon, so why don’t you consult with him about it then?” 

In accordance with that advice, I decided to make it a simple indigo colored dress as the result of consulting with Miss Seamstress and Sir Kristoff. 

I thought it would be good to become familiar with this country one step at a time. However, I averted my eyes from an even bigger problem (to me) that would occur on the same day as the wedding ceremony. 

Basically, it’s “the wedding night”.

(BMP: Thank you for alll the beautiful comments in the previous chapter! They motivated me to update another one so keep the comments and likes coming as I don’t make money off of this translation [nor do I want to, so support the author!]. 

Whelp, I am in need of a translator and a co-editor? MTL is difficult… 

If I skipped a sentence, if I had a grammar error, if I had an error in general, please tell me! It’s kind of sad that these chapters are kind of short, but I am also kind of glad that they are short…. Thanks for reading and supporting!)


** I asked, not expecting much [of an answer]. <– This sentence was in a different location, but I moved it so that the story would flow better. Sorry Author…


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  1. Asato · July 13, 2017

    I can’t believe I’m first again 😀
    Thanks for you awesome work translating!! Maybe I’m the weird one but it seems okay to me…

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 13, 2017

      Congrats *claps* and you are welcome! thanks for reading.
      and is it really? I found it so unbearable…


      • thelittlecuteprince · July 13, 2017

        I also found it to be good Translator-sama ;w;

        Liked by 1 person

      • blackmaskedphantom · July 13, 2017

        Thank you! I’m glad its okay haha.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thelittlecuteprince · July 13, 2017

        kyaaa senpai noticed me !

        Liked by 1 person

    • Silverlotus · July 15, 2017

      I also think that this is good too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jude · July 13, 2017

    thanks for the chapter, also i may say that your tlanslation is pretty neat

    Liked by 1 person

  3. MomieIxai · July 13, 2017

    Hahahahaha!!! The wedding night is gonna be fun!!! Thanks for the chapter!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Stephanie · July 13, 2017

    Thanks for the chapter. Looked good to me too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 13, 2017

      no problem! thanks for reading! and did it? I will make sure it’s better quality!


  5. sora211 · July 13, 2017

    Thanks for the hard work ^~^ hope you are enjoying while translating

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 13, 2017

      No problem! thanks for reading! and I enjoy translating, but I’m struggling because I’m a one man team. Literally, just a guy trying to spread the yaoi love…


  6. Yuuen · July 13, 2017

    All I can say is that please don’t put yourself down because your translation is really good and easy to understand!!! Thank you so much for picking up this novel and please keep up the good work! And even though I can’t help since I don’t understand japanese I will still be cheering you on!!!! d-(^o^)-b

    Liked by 2 people

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 13, 2017

      Aww thank you soo much! Thanks for reading! I will try my best to keep going. and No problem! 🙂


  7. barbaricbob · July 13, 2017

    Your translations are great, you’re selling yourself short by calling it crappy 😮

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 13, 2017

      I guess I am a bit of a perfectionist. Accuracy is what I hope for xD I will get there slowly as I am still learning japanese! thank you though 🙂


  8. blackheart14 · July 13, 2017

    whao… so it wasn’t just him being transferred to that world
    soo cool!!
    anyway thanks for the chapter.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. ReadItForTerra · July 14, 2017

    Decent and definitely readable translation quality here. I’m happy this project has been picked up. I missed reading about Shane’s misunderstandings.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Carol Eloisa Aguileta Castro · July 14, 2017

    Thanks so much for the translation, keep up the good work 😁 Don’t push yourself to much, working alone must be hard.

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 14, 2017

      No problem! and thank you for reading! and yeah it’s tough XD one man team. i’m kind of glad the chapters are short.


  11. RukaMatsu · July 14, 2017

    Thank you for the update,,
    Aww, I really think that your translation is pretty decent and easy to read. I’m really grateful that you’re translating this series 😍
    I can’t wait for the ‘wedding night’ 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 14, 2017

      No problem! and thank you for reading! 🙂 haha im glad it’s decent. I’m more of an editor than a translator anyways
      It’s going to be cute. XD If i remember correctly.


  12. Kiriko · July 14, 2017

    こんな元の世界を感じさせる文化を見つけたのは初めての事だった。= This was the first time I had ever found a culture that resembled that of my former world.

    俺は、まさに知っていた通りの文化に、初めてこの世界に親近感を抱けたように感じた。= Having found a custom that was exactly like the one I knew of, I felt an affinity with this world for the first time ever. (this could probably use some rewording itself, but the meaning is there)

    せめてそれだけでも今知れたらと、すがる思いでエリアスに問いかけた。= At the very least, I wanted to know about that now. Thus, with feelings that I was clutching onto straws, I asked Elias. (bit more liberal with that last bit, but I feel like that comes closer to the original meaning)

    お二人共、生涯をカスパルの為に尽くされたと伝えられています」 = It is said that the two of them devoted their lives to Caspar. (by the two of them, he means the first Prime Minister and King)

    吟遊詩人の人気の演目ですねと、教えてくれたが、俺の中ではわずかな希望がついえてしまったように感じた。= He informed me that their story was a popular song amongst minstrels, but with that I felt the faint hope within me collapse. (as in his hope to go home disappeared because the first Prime Minister didn’t make it back to Japan and ended up spending his life in this other world)

    「今日は午後からドレスの採寸ですから、その前にご説明出来て良かったです」= Your measurements will be taken this afternoon, so it’s good that I was able to give you an explanation of things before that. (I’m also a bit at a loss here, but I think this should be about right… ^.^;)

    これからお針子さん達は徹夜の作業になるのだという。 = In other words, from today onwards, all of the seamstresses will have to work day and night. (alt: all of the seamstresses have a number of all-nighters ahead of them)

    しかし俺は、結婚式と同時にある俺にとっては更に重大な問題から目を背けていたのだ。 = However, I had averted my eyes to an even bigger problem (to me) that would occur at the same time as the wedding ceremony. (Yeah, this sentence is really….hard to put into English. :/ )

    Hope this helps!

    Just wanted to say this as a translator senpai (if I may call myself that), but no translation is perfect! While it is our job(/hobby) as translators to convey as close a meaning to the original as possible in an entirely different language, there will naturally be meanings that will be ‘lost in translation’. It’s not a bad thing to be a bit liberal with your translations, if it makes it flow better/is more grammatically correct/just makes more sense in general (according to the story and what is being said). Japanese is a completely different language from English, so it’s only natural for that to happen! You’re translating for people who (often) wouldn’t otherwise be able to read this story on their own, using your own time and effort. And I’m sure that everyone appreciates that, so please don’t put down your own hard work. As far as I can see, your translation is pretty good, and is definitely one of the better MTLs I’ve ever seen. (Lord knows I’ve tried to read through some Google translates of novels in other languages and god, is it painful. But alas, that’s all you can do when you don’t know the language and can’t wait for the next update.)

    TL;DR: It is damn hard to make sense of whatever translation a machine puts out like you do, so be proud of it! Not like people that don’t know Japanese could read this novel without your hard work! 😛

    P.S. Haters will be haters. If people have a problem with your translation, then they should translate the series (or just read the RAWs) themselves. And if they complain despite not doing that, then they have no right to talk.

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 14, 2017

      If I could like this 100 times I would! Thank you so much. For the confidence boost and the help 😳😁 I will edit as soon as I find time! Thanks soo much again!


    • blackmaskedphantom · July 14, 2017

      Also, yes you are definitely my translator senpai xD


      • Vein · July 14, 2017

        Ditto OP, there is no need to translate precise Japanese sentence, as long as the original meaning/intention of the author is conveyed, take as many liberties as you want ^^ !

        If you want, you can even treat this as re-writing(re-telling); how to deliver a story and what word choice would be good to use ~

        When in doubt, you can always write the I’m-not-sure version, put a mark and footnote asking for help/clarification or ask for translation help on NU forum 😉


        Liked by 1 person

      • blackmaskedphantom · July 14, 2017

        Thanks for the advice! 😁 I will try not to be so butt-hurt about the accuracy 😂 thanks so much for the confidence boost!


  13. ryn · July 14, 2017

    Thank you for the translation! I think you’re doing an amazing job, I know how frustrating MTL can be.. I wish I could help you, but sadly I don’t know Japanese. My condolences to you and your family for your loss.

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 14, 2017

      No problem, and thank you. 😊 and yes its irritating at times xD i’m just glad everyone thinks its okay haha.


  14. Silverlotus · July 15, 2017

    Thank you for the chapter!! Also, sorry about the previous comment. It got answered by your note at the end of the chapter. Sorry. I should have checked. In addition, I think your translation is pretty good. It is readable and I don’t have to exert my small brain to try to understand it. I don’t really know any Japanese (can’t speak or read it) so I can’t help you or anything but you’re lucky that you’ve got Kiriko to help you! Try your best! I’m sure there will be a translator who will come since this is a really good book and someone will take it. Don’t overwork~! (๑ゝڡ◕๑)~☆


    • blackmaskedphantom · July 15, 2017

      Thank you for reading! 😀 and haha I hope someone will come. Gotta hope and pray. I am really glad Kiriko is there too.


  15. MaliciousBurial · July 18, 2017

    Thank you for picking this up! It’s much better than any rubbish I would get by using MTL xD
    Good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Yuki Chan · July 19, 2017

    Thank you very much for picking up this book for translation. You translation is very flowing, and I feel the translation is pretty accurate with how everything fits together. So again, thank you, your doing an amazing job!

    Liked by 1 person

    • blackmaskedphantom · July 20, 2017

      Thank you! Though I am sure it flows together because I make it flow XD Well thank you again for reading! and no problem 🙂


  17. krishnakumarsinghblog · August 4, 2017


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